Becoming a mother has been the transformation I expected, but not in the ways I imagined.
Following an unexpected assisted delivery, our first few months and the start of parenting was tough, our baby was unsettled and seemed to cry more often than she didn't. Many would call this colic, querying 'tummy troubles' or allergies, but I knew this wasn't the answer, and no amount of gripe water or 'miracle holds' helped. Our daughter was communicating to us how hard it had been to be born and she needed us to listen and validate her.
I have often wondered how different things may have been with the support of a doula, knowledgeable and respectful of the delicate intricacies of birth, and this in part leads me to where I am today. The profound discovery and learning about our daughter's imprints from her birth as well as those from her prenatal journey provides the second reason for my 'why' in this work. With a growing empathy and deeper understanding for her experiences, we were able to support her to start healing. And from here began my own recovery.
I want to support women and parents on this transformational journey and the foundations of parenthood, welcoming an openness and curiosity to consider their baby's experiences of being born, and helping to build compassion and empathy for the incredible path they (and in fact, we all) take to arrive here.
How I work
I believe in the importance of physiological birth and a gentle to start to life. I believe in education and empowerment. I also believe in choice, and the value of advocacy, be it from the self or from a supportive 'other'. I work by bringing all this together to support you plan you and your baby's birth, your way. I also believe in the natural bond between mother and baby and the importance of nurturing this for not only their future health, but that of the family and wider community too. There is an expression in the birth world, 'if we heal birth, we can heal earth'.
Through an understanding and respect for birth and the very start of this journey, I believe we can make a difference for the next generation. I bring to this work my understanding and appreciation of what supports the natural ebb and flow of birth, and my experiences: as a mother, as a woman who has birthed within the maternity care system, and as a mental health professional with experience and an understanding of the operations of the health care system.
Doula training with The Original Birth Connection
Including masterclasses covering:
- Physiological birth with Kemi "birth joy" Johnson @kemibirthjoyjohnson
- Tongue Tie with Carmelle Gentle @thetonguetiecentre
- Perinatal Trauma with Hayley Coburn @mother.of.pearl_doula
- Caesarean Birth with Carolyn Holt @thecaesareanbirthspecialist
- Cultural Advocacy and Safety with Illyin Morisson @mixing.up.motherhood
- LGBTQIA+ competency with AJ Silver @thequeerbirthclub
Birthing Biomechanics with Shellie Poulter @theserenitydoula
Breastfeeding peer supporter trained
CBT Psychological Therapist (BABCP accredited)